A Great Reason to Feature a Business Owner or Representative in their Commercial

A lot of people ask me, why do you feature someone from the business in their commercial? Sometimes I will tell them it’s because it is a great way to get the business excited about their commercial. And sometimes I’ll tell them it’s because using someone from the business will make their commercial sound more personable and real. But truthfully, the main reason why I love to feature someone from the business in their own commercial is so they’ll be reminded by their friends and neighbors that they were heard and that their commercial is being heard. So, it’s ideal to use the decision maker so they will be reminded in their daily life that their commercial is reaching people.

Featuring the owner or an employee in a business’s commercials has benefits

  • It humanizes the business, allowing customers to connect on a more personal level.
  • The business representative in the commercial can serve as an expert voice of credibility.

It’s important to coach them up

They should have scripts down cold and any pauses or phrases that lack certainty should be edited and corrected.

Here’s How To Do It

Be sure to approach the business owner, employee orrepresentative at a good time when they’re not busy and can wrap their head around being featured in their commercial. Also, don’t put them on the spot by asking them in front of others. Finally, be sure to answer any and all questions. Be supportive and don’t be too critical of their performance. Remember, they are the client!

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